@astylianou Possibly! The SNP you've identified is located in a known sorghum Maturity (Ma) loci. These Ma loci, labeled Ma1 through Ma6, are crucial for determining when sorghum plants flower. Specifically, the SNP you found is in the gene Sobic.006G004400, also known as Ma6 and is located on chromosome 6 in sorghum. This gene encodes Ghd7, which plays a key role in suppressing the flowering process when the days are long. Essentially, Ghd7 makes sorghum plants more sensitive to daylight length and holds off flowering by curbing the activity of SbEhd1, a gene that encourages flowering, and other similar genes. It's worth noting that the activity of the SbGhd7 gene is influenced by light and aligns with the rhythms of the plant's internal biological (circadian) clock.

I'm curious to find out whether the RGB and 3D data you used in your approach shows a notable abundance or perhaps a conspicuous absence of sorghum's flowering structures, known as panicles. Is this something that stood out in your analysis?